February 21, 2025
Adult Health Family Health Plastic Surgery Recent

Thinking about vaginal surgery?

By Emilio Sanchez
Miami-Dade Health

Vaginal reconstruction surgeries have lately become a fashionable procedure among women who want t to “tighten up” a vagina that’s become slack or loose from childbirth or aging.

As women age or after childbirth hormone production diminishes, and the vaginal wall may thin, producing inflammation, dryness and it becomes more rigid and lax.

As lubrication in that area decreases, there are more chances of itchiness and discomfort, especially during sexual intercourse. Collagen fibers gradually degrade and diminish, reducing vaginal elasticity.

Here is where the plastic surgery options come into play for many women who want to improve their sexual life and health in general.

Options may include surgery, laser treatments, and even radiofrequency procedures.

What are the possible surgeries?
In general, women want to have a labiaplasty to correct the labia minora (internal). These lips can be asymmetrical or protrude beyond the outer (outer) labia.

In the case of vaginal rejuvenation, it seeks to reconstruct a part of the residual edges of the hymen and narrow the vaginal canal, which may have widened due to childbirth.

The reconstruction is performed in those patients who have a very prominent clitoris and this causes discomfort in sexual relations or when wearing tight clothes.

In case of very thin major lips, or as a complement to the labiaplasty, labia majora filling may be recommended.

After undergoing any of the above procedures, the recovery takes from a week to 10 days. However, it is always important to consult with your doctor to know the risks and benefits of the treatments.

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